
Summer 2024 - Summer 2025 doctoral degree candidates are eligible to participate in the May 2025 Doctoral Hooding Ceremony. Graduates and doctoral candidates must register by March 28, 2025 to participate and be hooded. All KUMC graduates and graduates from the School of Pharmacy will attend the hooding ceremonies coordinated by their individual school. Contact your school for more details. Please contact Therese Hecht (thechte@kumc.edu) for the School of Nursing, Rachel Sherley (rsherley@kumc.edu) for the School of Health Professions, Riley O'Dell (rodell5@kumc.edu) for the School Medicine and Nancy Lett (nancylett@ku.edu) for the School of Pharmacy.

Recipients of the following doctoral degrees are eligible and invited to participate:

Eligible Degrees
KU LawrenceKU Medical Center -
Please contact your school for KUMC hooding ceremonies

Recipients of first-professional degrees (i.e, M.D., J.D., Pharm.D.) should expect to participate in the recognition ceremonies organized specifically for those programs.